6 Week Old Puppy Walking Funny

puppy walks funny

We've all seen those cute videos of puppies walking for the first time, wobbly and unsure…

It's adorable, but if your own puppy walks funny, it's not uncommon to start to feel a little bit of concern…

After all, he or she is your fur baby now, and we dog parents are known to worry about the health and well-being of our pups all the time…

So if your puppy is walking a little funny, this article is going to cover why that might be happening and what you should do about it…

And we'll be doing that by covering the following information…

  • Is It Normal For Puppies To Walk Funny?
  • Medical Reasons Why Your Puppy Might Be Walking Funny…
  • What Should I Do If My Puppy Walks Funny?

In the end, you should have a good idea as to why your puppy is walking unusually, and you'll know what you should do to resolve the issue…

Let's start by discussing if it's normal for puppies to walk funny…

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Is It Normal For Puppies To Walk Funny?

Puppies can tend to walk funny for a number of different reasons, but sometimes it's just due to the simple fact that they are young and clumsy…

They might walk on their tippy-toes sometimes, and they can tend to be wobbly and unsteady on their back legs as they get used to using them more…

5 week old puppy walks funny

But even though it can be normal for puppies to walk funny, there are some medical issues that could be preventing your puppy from walking normally.

Medical Reasons Why Your Puppy Might Be Walking Funny…

Like I mentioned earlier, puppies tend to walk funny for a variety of reasons. Their clumsy nature is something that can definitely make them stand out…

And that's something that they'll grow out of as they get older. But that being said, there are some medical issues that could be causing your puppy to not have the best walking experience…

Therefore, if you're concerned about the way your puppy is walking, you'll probably want to go through the following questions and hopefully, rule out these medical problems.

Does Your Puppy Have Hip Dysplasia?

Hip Dysplasia in dogs is a condition that occurs when the ball of their femur doesn't fit snugly into its socket in their hip…

It can lead to arthritis, lameness, and pain as your puppy gets older, and it's a problem that puppies can have from birth…

puppy unsteady on back legs

Puppies who suffer from hip dysplasia often can be seen waddling or dragging their back legs behind them while they walk because they're in so much discomfort…

It might look like your pup is clumsy but this problem isn't due to clumsiness at all; instead, it comes down to genetics…

If you suspect that your pup does have hip dysplasia be sure to contact a veterinarian to discuss the issue further.

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Does Your Puppy Have Wobbler's Syndrome?

Wobbler's Syndrome is a condition that affects a dog's neck and spine…

It can create a problem of balance, leading to gait abnormalities and progressive neurological disease with eventual paralysis or even death…

The gait abnormalities can often lead to spinal cord and brain diseases, as well…

Breeds that are commonly affected by Wobbler's Syndrome include:

  • German Shepherds
  • Dobermans
  • Irish Setters
  • Dalmations
  • Saint Bernards

The cause of this can be traced back to a genetic defect in which a dog's head is pulled forward with each step he or she takes…

Most dogs who are diagnosed with Wobbler's Syndrome are in the range of 3 to 9 years old. But that being said, puppies can also be affected by the condition…

If you think that your puppy may have Wobbler's Syndrome, you'll want to contact a veterinarian who can diagnose and treat the condition…

Is Your Puppy Cow Hocked?

Another reason your puppy might be walking funny is cow hocks. Cow hocks are when a dog's hocks are bent inward which causes their back legs to be splayed out…

This is most commonly seen in large breed puppies, but it can affect puppies of any size…

Cow Hocks is a genetic condition, and it can lead to issues like patellar luxation, but again, this is usually seen in larger breeds…

8 week old puppy weak back legs

If your pup has cow hocks and you think it may be severe enough to cause pain or discomfort, a vet will be able to offer treatment options…

If the condition is not that serious, here are some steps you can take at home to help out your puppy:

  • Increase activity by taking walks with your pup more often (usually uphill and on a soft surface such as sand)
  • Add low-impact exercises like swimming to your dog's routine.

The goal is to strengthen the weak back legs of your puppy to reduce the appearance of cow hocks and the problems that are associated with them…

As always, contact a veterinarian before assuming your dog has any condition and before trying any exercises that you think might help the problem…

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Does Your Dog Have A Nervous System Problem?

There are many nervous system issues that might affect a dog's movement and gait. Some of the symptoms of these nervous system problems include:

  • Inability to move a limb
  • Lack of coordination between limbs
  • Abnormal postures or positions
  • Twitching
  • A general sense of weakness

Obviously, these issues can be incredibly serious for your puppy. So be sure to contact a veterinarian if you suspect that a nervous system problem is causing your pup to walk funny…

Does Your Puppy Have Hypoglycemia?

Hypoglycemia in dogs can occur when they have low blood sugar levels. This can happen when your puppy is dealing with anxiety, stress, or insufficient nutrition…

Symptoms include:

  • Lack of coordination between limbs
  • Weakness of muscles
  • Tremors
  • Listlessness

Sometimes it can be caused simply by your puppy skipping a meal or if the nutritional content of his dog food is not sufficient…

If you notice that your puppy has any of the symptoms of Hypoglycemia, contact a veterinarian immediately…

What Should I Do If My Puppy Walks Funny?

Well, the first thing you're going to want to do is to determine the reason why your puppy is walking funny…

If you suspect that the problem is being caused by a medical issue, then, of course, you're going to want to contact a veterinarian so that he or she can conduct a proper diagnosis and provide your pup with the appropriate treatment…

puppy back legs splayed out

That being said, it could also just be that your pup is struggling with coordination issues which can often happen as his body matures and he continues to get bigger…

The bottom line is this though, having a vet take a look at your pup is the best course of action because…

…if there is a medical issue that needs to be addressed, the vet will be able to diagnose the problem.

In addition to that, if your puppy is just at an awkward walking stage as he or she naturally grows up, then you'll have some peace of mind knowing that there is nothing wrong.

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Final Thoughts…

If you notice that your puppy is walking funny, it could be a sign of an injury or illness…

It could also just be a normal awkward stage that your puppy is going through as he grows older…

Be sure to speak with a veterinarian to get the best idea of what might be going on. That way you'll be able to catch any potential medical problems early on…

…or you'll be able to rest easy knowing that your pup is healthy despite him walking around in a funny way.


Source: https://funwithpups.com/puppy-walks-funny/

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