Beauty and the Beast 1991 Human Again Desktop Wallpaper
The Disney Film
The climactic battle between a barbarous, bloodthirsty monster and a cursed prince.
- The majority of the plot hinges on one of Belle's greatest moments: willingly sacrificing her freedom forever in order to save her dad.
- The ballroom. Fifty-fifty later xxx years it can all the same hold upwardly. The fact that Belle and the Beast are perfectly animated to go along with the 3D photographic camera certainly helps.
- Of special mention must go to James Baxter (aye, that James Baxter
) who blithe Belle and the Beast by hand.
- Of special mention must go to James Baxter (aye, that James Baxter
- Belle tricking Gaston into falling out the door and into the mud when he proposes to marry her. The fact that she doesn't waste her breath giving him a "reason why I won't marry you" speech helps to prove that she is improve than him in this regard.
- Belle has revealed the existence of the Beast to relieve her father from beingness institutionalized, which was really Gaston's ploy to force her to marry him. She so defends the Beast, and Gaston says, "If I didn't know ameliorate, I'd think y'all had feelings for this monster." Her reply to a human who has the residual of her village wrapped around his finger: "He'south no monster, Gaston. You are!"
- During the boxing at the Creature's castle, when LeFou is melting Lumiere, Cogsworth appears at the top of the stairs, dressed in British Admiralty regalia and wielding a pistol and scissors, and, laughing hysterically, slides down the banister and saves Lumiere. It'due south particularly awesome considering how much of a potent jobsworth he was earlier, and how antagonistic his relationship with Lumiere was.
- Hell, the entire castle siege in full general was astonishing (Too as hilarious, considering it was an angry mob of unproblematic-minded townsfolk armed with torches and pitchforks against an entire castle of servants transformed into ordinary household objects who plough out to be Not So Harmless). Y'all endeavor and fight against drawers of living cutlery with a very terrifying cooker every bit their leader, a hat rack with incredible battle skills, a pile-driving wardrobe, a carnivorous chest, a living candelabra, a scissor toting clock and an Apron Matron teapot who utilizes her tea cup children into scalding people. Not to mention the pans who strike down at one, the jugs throwing produce into the eyes of another, a trunk who eats the Baker, and Lord knows what else these guys did. Information technology's no wonder the villagers just fled; the Beast was a single scary foe, but the servants were a Mook Horror Bear witness army to them.
- Let's not forget Mrs. Potts'due south Pre Ass Kicking Ane Liner as she prepares to pour tea on a villager: "Up Hither, YA SCURVY SCUM! At present!"
- It'southward even better after hearing Human Again; the Wardrobe sings about how, when she's human, she'll be able to fit through that door... yet she'south at the front end of the crowd of objects as they march; presumably, she has been informed the battle is coming and has smashed her mode out of Belle's bedroom.
- And she'south the tank of the group in this fight; she piledrives ane of the goons, and begins to kung-fu strike several of them with her doors before stuffing one inside of her and putting him in a silly outfit. Seriously, she's the near physically powerful of all the servants.
- Preceding all that? Only as the Villain Song ends and they intermission in, it's quiet and dark, almost also much so (the villagers even seem a little suspicious) - however, they go on moving slowly, with LeFou grabbing a 'mere' candlebra to run across...
- The Broadway musical makes the Castle Battle an even greater moment of awesome, as information technology gives all of the objects a chance to absolutely get to town on the people trying to destroy their home. Highlights include Babette the feather duster flirting with a marauding villager, which in turn allows Lumiere to fire the guy in the backside; Fleck spitting hot tea in LeFou'south face and Mrs. Potts whaling on him with her spout-arm; Madame de la Grande Bouche (the wardrobe) dressing equally Brunhilde from Wagner's Ring Cycle (complete to the music of "Ride of the Valkyries") and scaring off LeFou with an extremely loftier note and razor-precipitous spear; and the napkins (who, in the musical, are a group of can-can dancers) using their high kicks to knock the majority of the villagers unconscious. Depending on the skills of the ensemble of objects in each product, other impressive tricks are possible: some examples on YouTube have the actor playing a throw carpeting perform complicated acrobatics, the whisk spinning its headgear like a giant flail, and the salt and pepper shakers dumping their contents all over the villagers, leading to sneezing fits.
- Lumiere's Moment of Crawly has to be when he saves his beloved Babette by scorching the behind off of the villain ripping her apart.
- The Beast gets his when he reduces Gaston to a sniveling wretch:
Gaston: Don't hurt me, please! I'll do anything! Annihilation!
The Creature: Leave... - The latter one-half of the fight between the Beast and Gaston. Afterward seeing Belle has returned to him the Beast regains his will to live and utterly dominates Gaston, with the size and strength of a grizzly bear combined with the intelligence and agility of a human. For an instant, Gaston looks like he realises he's bitten off more than than he can chew.
- He likewise hears Belle shout for Gaston to stop. After everything Belle had told him well-nigh the guy who wouldn't stop hassling her, he was thinking, "Oh, the HELL if I get killed by THIS asshole."
- As much of a nutcase every bit Gaston is, Belle probably didn't want him to become killed either. She didn't respond to his Disney Villain Expiry because she was more concerned about Brute at that moment.
- Actually, after the Beast stops holding dorsum Gaston manages to concord his own, if only for a curt fourth dimension. Pretty impressive, considering the Beast's size and forcefulness.
- The Beast's very design is a Moment of Awesome; up until and so every version had been some variation of "human with an animal'southward head." Disney'due south character is a completely new chimera who tin just be described every bit a "animal." He is his name.
- Another moment for the design team: the mode they mix his vox with animal noises. Information technology adds an extra fleck of power to his vocalism and emphasizes just how utterly terrifying he tin be when he'southward angry.
- He was also given some of the finest and nearly fluid animation e'er seen in the unabridged Disney Animated Canon. In item his facial animation is nearly flawless and as a result he is able to emote and then believably that the audience immediately feels kinship and sympathy for him.
- While it'due south as well hilarious, the scene of the Beast on his way to Belle'south room after she refuses to come to dinner highlights just how powerful his torso is as he scrambles upwardly the first few stairs and and so vaults the gap between the staircase and second story hall.
- The wolf sequence in the forest. Belle'southward attacked by a bunch of wolves; she defends herself well, merely there are only too many of them. Wolf leaps, she goes down, some other wolf leaps, looks like the end. Cue the Beast grabbing the wolf and roaring in its confront as the music goes berserk, then epically proceeding to rip the pack autonomously.
- For that matter, the whole reason Belle is in the wood: She put reason before laurels and ran away upon realizing just how terrifying the Beast tin can be when pissed off.
- Also a Moment of Heartwarming, Belle's fear of Beast evidently disappears after he saves her. He roars right in her face when she accidentally aggravates his wounds and she doesn't even flinch. She even talks back to him equally he complains. Probably because the wolf fight shows her that for all of his tantrums he could never and would never actually hurt her.
- Belle needs way more than credit for the woods scene, since she slammed the wolves into trees while on horseback, rode that fast on cluttered, overgrown paths, and then attempted to fight off the wolves with a stick. While the Beast has to come up in at the end, Belle held her own confronting a pack quite well.
- Finally, there's the moment when information technology becomes clear Belle has washed much more than than invoke a Disney Death for the Animal: the transformation sequence. This was too a Moment of Crawly for The Animal'due south animator, Glen Keane.
- Besides the transformation in the Broadway prove was absolutely breathtaking.
- Not to mention the music during this scene that is considered to be ane of Alan Menken's greatest compositions.
- Gaston's rousing "Mob Vocal" where he paraphrases both The Bible ("If you're not with us, you're confronting us") and William Shakespeare ("Screw your backbone to the sticking place!") to rally a, well, mob to, as the song is also known every bit, "Kill the Beast".
- The above is also proof positive that Gaston isn't equally anti-intellectual as first impressions would advise...
- You also have to give credit to the villagers for deciding to kill the Beast. Sure, from both Belle's and the audience's perspective, a agglomeration of people led past the film's primary antagonist are almost to set on a gentle giant out of a huge misunderstanding (and Gaston'southward jealousy). Only to the villagers, a terrifying monster is threatening their rubber, and he needs to be killed in gild to protect their village and their families.
- Doubles equally a Funny Moment when y'all hear some of the other lyrics in the song.
Mob: Nosotros don't like
What we don't sympathize
In fact it scares us
And this monster is mysterious at least - Also,
Here we come up, we're fifty stiff
And fifty Frenchmen can't be wrong... - And the servants of the castle after finding out they're being invaded.
Hearts ablaze! Banners loftier!
We go marching into boxing
Unafraid, although the danger has increased!
- When Gaston tries to get Belle'south dad into the crazy house because he tells everyone almost the beast, unless Belle marries him, Belle comes to the rescue and shows everyone the fauna in her magic mirror and says that he'due south her friend. Gaston, who sees that his plan isn't going to work anymore, wants revenge on Belle and then tells everyone that the fauna is going to attack them, eat their children etc. and that they should go and kill the animate being, which all men of the village are going to do subsequently. The evilness of that was extremely awesome.
- Need to kick down a door? Use a horse!
Belle: Permit's go, Phillipe!
Phillipe the horse proceeds to violently kick open up the doors... with Belle on his back. - The fact that this is the first ever animated picture to be nominated for Best Moving picture. Sure it didn't win, just it did what was considered to be incommunicable for animation at the time and plant it as a medium of story-telling and not kid fodder. It remained the only blithe characteristic ever to be nominated for the award for eighteen years. Its nomination is believed to be the reason the Animated Characteristic category was somewhen added.
- The Oscar for Best Animated Feature was added a decade later. Some have speculated that the Academy added this category specifically to preclude animated movies from ever being nominated again for Best Picture. And it didn't work.
- To this day, information technology remains the simply paw-drawn blithe feature to be nominated for the University Honor for Best Picture show. All of the other animated films that take been nominated have been computer animated films.
- Likewise the but blithe flick to be nominated for Best Picture when the field was only at five. A feat no other animated film achieved. The field was already extended to ten when Up and Toy Story 3 were each nominated.
- The idea that many concord it should have won Best Pic over Silence of the Lambs.
- Alan Menken'south songs.
- The way the choreography of the furniture's dancing during "Be Our Guest" was a Moment of Awesome.
- Menken's incidental music betwixt the songs also had its awesome moments. When Belle discovers that her father may be dying out in the cold, the Animate being looks at the wilting rose and, in a moment of utter anguish, decides to let Belle go anyhow, knowing information technology will probably doom his only chance to remove his curse. The music that plays at that moment is utter Crawly Music.
- And that goes double for Howard Ashman, Menken'due south songwriting partner since practically the start of his musical career. Some time before The Trivial Mermaid won Oscars for Best Song and Best Score, Ashman was diagnosed as HIV-positive. When he was put to work for Dazzler and the Brute, Ashman was noted to be irritable and would soon not even be able work in the studio. Despite all this, he never gave up on his work: he would instruct recording sessions via telephone even when he was weak and he wrote what are probably some of the well-nigh memorable songs in movie theater, catamenia, during the concluding year of his life (the title song'southward lyrics undoubtedly being his best). Even though he never lived to see the finished film, Ashman'southward sheer dedication to his work counts as this trope, a Tear Jerker, and a not bad Heartwarming Moment. The dedication at the terminate of the motion-picture show states he 'gave a mermaid her voice and a creature his soul'.
- Yet another out of grapheme instance: Angela Lansbury recorded the title song in a single take.
- She hadn't wanted to perform the vocal later hearing Alan Mencken's demo recording, which sounded much more than similar a pop song — that somebody had sent her in error. She came effectually once they played her Howard Ashman'southward demo recording, which was slower and more than like the final recording, which is what they'd intended her to sing like.
- Reportedly, Lansbury reduced everyone who was in the recording studio at the fourth dimension to tears with her I-Take Wonder.
- The message of the picture that "True Dazzler is found inside."
- The scene where Chip fires up Maurice's woods-chopper and manages to utilize information technology to free them.
Flake: Y'all guys have got to try this thing.
- Even better, Fleck was helpless to help Belle when she confronted the village, just the moment he saw that ax, he essentially saved his principal'south life, as without Belle, the beast would have been killed by Gaston.
- The fact that a child that'south probably near nine years onetime, figured out how to work a auto without hands. Seriously, this kid was able to brand it piece of work and still have plenty time for him, Belle and Maurice to arrive back to the Fauna's castle.
- The reprise of "Belle" after she rejects Gaston's marriage proposal. The way the music swells equally she runs into the field and the simply the yearning in her voice, making such a simple sentiment very common amid young adults very powerful and meaningful. And the fashion it ends on a soft, introspective note.
- More of an Offscreen Moment of Awesome, and reached only through Fridge Logic, but Belle had to be physically strong enough to pull the Animal onto her equus caballus. She too had to pull him to safety subsequently Gaston stabs him and falls, when he nearly fainted (you can see him swaying dorsum before she grabs his shirt).
- Gaston'south rousing vocal in the bar is awesome in its own correct. Information technology'southward nothing merely two-3 minutes of him and the townspeople claiming Badass Boast after Badass Boast and as we all know, no i strokes his ego similar Gaston.
- Credit where credit is due, Gaston is able to support much of his boasting during the song. He snaps a leather belt around his neck but by flexing, takes a bite out of said belt to spit a wad of chewed leather through several ricochet shots to striking the spittoon, and effortlessly lifts the Bimbettes and their bar seat with one hand.
- While it wasn't a success at all, Maurice attempting a rescue mission on his own proves that he truly cares for Belle and is willing to risk his life for her rubber.
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