Scholastic Art and Writing How to Submit as a Senio

Scholastic Art and Writing Contest: Why You Should Participate

Artists and writers like Andy Warhol, Sylvia Plath, Stephen King, and Leena Dunham had to first somewhere in getting recognition for their talent, and the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards was the perfect setting. These writers and artists once received awards as teens in this national competition which recognizes ii,800 high school students in over 29 categories of art and writing each year.

What is the Scholastic Fine art and Writing Competition?

Established by the Alliance for Young Artists and Writers in 1923, the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards is sponsored past organizations like the New York Times, Bloomberg Philanthropies, and Scholastic Inc.

Categories for entry range from architecture, industrial blueprint, pic, animation, jewelry, video game blueprint, dramatic script, journalism, and more. This is a competition for artists and writers who have spent years honing their arts and crafts and seek to distinguish themselves as leaders in the art and writing community.

Each year loftier school students enter and eagerly wait for the answer from judges to claim their fame in the art and writing community.

More than $300,000 in scholarships, travel fares, and tuition support for higher was awarded terminal year to twenty-iii recipients whose works explored subjects such as personal grief, loss and bereavement, awareness of climate change, the current political climate in the US, and responsible civic life.

Winning submissions were picked based on their originality, technical skill, and the emergence of personal vision or phonation. Check out the online galleries here.

Students who are nationally recognized by the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards likewise have the chance to present their creations in a New York Urban center gallery or Boston gallery. Terminal yr the national ceremonies were held in Carnegie Hall, the Pratt Manhattan Gallery at Pratt Establish, the Shelia C. Johnson Pattern Center at Parsons School of Design, and Tufts University gallery.

Scholastic Art and Writing Past Winners

Scholarship winners in 2019 produced works such equally a end-blitheness video which chronicles the death of a whale through the use of recycled plastic grocery numberless and h2o bottles collected by the artist through her friends, or a short story nigh how Paris will sink below sea level if humankind continues to ignore the impact of climate change.

In prior years, the gilt medal was awarded for a 10-minute short film titled "Usual" which is nigh an attempt to interruption abroad from the repetitiveness of American corporate civilization, and the soundtrack for the pic was even created by the director herself.

Two students creating art in a table.

Another medal winner for the writing contest at present edits for Winter Tangerine, a literary publication founded presently after receipt of her award.

Many winners go on to exist i of the merely xx students nominated for the U.S. Presidential Scholars in Arts program, establish careers for publications like the New York Times, receive sponsorship from the Norman Mailer Center or Poetry Club of America, retain positions to travel around the country and make presentations in loftier schools for organizations such as  YoungArts, and are recruited by art-focused universities like Princeton, Kenyon, Colombia College of Chicago, Santa Fe University of Art and Design.

Scholastic Fine art & Writing Awards categories

You now have a basic understanding of what the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards are and what it offers high schoolhouse students who submit, merely at that place is notwithstanding so much more to know!

Quickly before nosotros become into the different categories, we want to arrive clear that you should refer to your regional program before choosing your category, as the regional programs may limit the size of work that they accept.

With that out of the fashion, allow's get started on some of the fantastic and most popular categories that students submit to every school year.

Art Categories

Every bit you know, the competition offers students the chance to submit to either fine art or writing competitions. Permit's first interruption downwards some of the more exciting categories students tin submit to in the art category. Keep in listen, these are most, but non all of the offered categories.

Drawn art in a table.

Compages and industrial blueprint

This category allows for students to create plans for or models of structures, environments, systems or products. Such submissions can include designs, 2nd work such as sketches, computer-aided designs, blueprints, floor plans as well equally 3D work such as handmade or printed models, maquettes, or prototypes.

Plans are allowed to be either mitt-fatigued or computer-generated and models must be sturdy enough to suffer shipping and exhibition.

Ceramics and drinking glass

This category allows for students two submit objects that are fabricated exclusively out of ceramics or glass. Items that may be submitted include busts, figures, vases, abstract forms, dishware, earthenware, stained drinking glass, cast drinking glass, diddled drinking glass, and more.

To submit, students can upload 4 images for their submission.

Comic art

Students can submit a narrative in deliberate sequence either with or without text that tells a story through the use of single or multiple panels. Comic strips, storyboards, comic books, webcomics, or a selection from a graphic novel may all be submitted. Ane crucial note is that students may not submit original piece of work that is based on already published comic books or similar works.

Drawn comic art in a paper.


Students may submit or create a projection for commercial or applied purposes that includes magazines, book covers, layouts, fonts, greeting cards, calendars, and more than. Students may upload 4 images for each submission within the design category.

Digital art

Students may submit artwork that is figurer-generated or captured digitally and heavily collaged or manipulated to create a new paradigm. Submissions in this category must rely heavily on computer software including, simply non restricted to, Adobe Photoshop , Adobe illustrator, Macromedia Freehand, and more.

While submitting to this category, students should identify the software used. students that desire to submit digital photographs that are only slightly touched up should submit to the photography category and not the digital art category.

Drawing and analogy

Art that is made of marks with a transmission or mechanical instrument on a 2d surface can be submitted to this category. Submissions may include formal, realistic, and/or abstract pieces. Basically, any material used on a 2D surface can be used to create the art. Students must go along in mind that drawings copied from published photographs, the cyberspace, or other existing works should not exist submitted.

Editorial Cartoon Sponsored By The Herb Cake Foundation

This category asks students to submit a cartoon or illustration, series of artworks, or animated short films, that offer commentary or criticism on current events or politics.

Keep in listen that all submissions to this category must contain either political or social commentary to be considered. Work without commentary can be submitted to other categories.


Students tin can submit articles of clothing or fashion accessories (with the exception of jewelry, which should be submitted to that category).

Fully realized products or outfits, sketches and tech packs are all advisable to submit to this category.

Keep in mind that garments that are not meant to be worn on the body should be submitted to the Sculpture category.

Movie and animation

Students tin can submit a sequence of moving images that are viewed either on a monitor, tv set or with a projector. Submissions may include narrative film, commercials, experimental video, documentary flick besides every bit hand-drawn, estimator-generated or terminate motion animations.

Students should keep in mind that submissions should not be made by DVD or stick drive and should instead be uploaded to the online registration arrangement.

Filming camera in a room.

Students should be incredibly careful virtually applying to the Moving-picture show and animation category when it comes to using copyrighted work. For example, copyrighted music that is used without the permission of the original artist volition make a work ineligible. Students can use the piece of work of public domain music in their projects.

One interesting matter nigh the movie and blitheness category is that students exercise not have to submit equally individuals. In fact, students can accept up to five collaborators on any given project.


Annihilation that is worn for personal adornment tin be submitting to this category. This includes bracelets, rings, brooches, cufflinks, earrings, and more that are made from a huge array of materials.


Art created past applying pigment to a 2nd surface is eligible to exist submitted to this category. Students tin utilize a wide assortment of materials such every bit oil, acrylic, watercolor, fresco, spray pigment, and much more.

As you lot would expect, paintings that are copied or based on copyrighted works are non eligible to be submitted to this category.

Writing categories

Now that we have gone over many of the fine art categories offered past the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, let'due south apace break downward some of the nearly popular writing categories that studies tin take function in.

When it comes to the writing categories, students should know that all submissions no affair the category must be primarily written in English. No identifying information of the applying student should appear anywhere on the submitted work. Moreover, even in non-fiction submissions, students should replace the names of real people with fictional names.

With that out of the fashion, let's break downward some of the writing categories that students can submit to.

Critical essay

Students tin write pieces that are meant to inform or convince the reader regarding a specific topic or thought. Sources must be cited. Footnotes are not considered part of the word count of the piece.

A book and notebook stacked in a table.

Dramatic script

Any works that utilize dialogue, action, and stage direction to tell a story such equally scripts for TV, the stage or movie are eligible to be submitted for this category. If a pupil does non want to submit an entire feature-length screenplay, they have the option of submitting an extract. Withal, the submission must be listed as an excerpt.

The length of the piece within this category is between 500 and 3,000 words. If a student wants to submit an excerpt of a characteristic-length, they must also include a summary of the complete work that does not exceed 250 words.


Students can submit work that uses comedic forms and formats such as jokes, satire, farce, parody, irony and more.


Writing that is meant to inform and educate the reader about newsworthy topics or current events that uses a presentation of facts or description of real-world events are eligible for this category.

Students should include a comprehensive list of works cited for this category; the works cited listing will non be considered a part of the total give-and-take count.

Novel writing

Students who are working on their very ain original novel can submit every bit well. However, it is crucial to remember that only an excerpt from the total work is no longer than three,000 words.

Novel submissions must also come up with a brief summary of the unabridged novel as it would be as a completed work. The summary must exist 250 words or less.


Students can submit works that can be, simply are not limited to, formats such as prose verse, costless verse, formal poetry, song lyrics, spoken give-and-take, etc. Each submission can incorporate anywhere between 1 and 6 total poems. Any collection of poems will be judged as a drove. Students can submit more than one collection, but they have to register separately.

How to Utilize?

The Scholastic Art and Writing Awards is at present accepting submissions for the 2020 competition, and guidelines and deadlines for submission vary by region and tin be plant here.  Over 250,000 submissions are evaluated by judges each yr.

To submit, students must be thirteen or older, and enrolled in grades seven-12 at a high school in the US, US territories, Canada, or an accredited American school in order to compete. You can submit your work electronically, but information technology must include a payment or fee waiver, and a signature by a parent/guardian and educator. The submitted work must commencement be regionally recognized by one of the 100 local affiliates to proceed in being nationally evaluated by a team of experts.

Be aware that this contest has grown in popularity as the higher admissions procedure has become increasingly hard every bit higher recruiters are now looking to see that students accept worked extensively to develop extracurricular connections, experiences, and community recognition outside of loftier schoolhouse classrooms.

Art and writing will always involve criticism and societal pressure to stand out from the rest and make your work shine, and it is never also early to start trying your hand at getting alee of the contest.


Now that you lot are aware of many of the wonderful categories that y'all can submit, let'southward rapidly go over the recognition that students can receive for their excellence.

Regional awards

All entries at the regional level are considered for Gold Key, Argent Key, Honorable Mention, American Visions Nominee likewise as American Voices Nominees Awards. All awards are presented to winning students along with related celebrations and exhibitions in each region.

National awards

Gold Key laurels winners at the regional level are automatically registered for national awards such as Gold Medal, Silverish Medal with Distinction, Silvery Medal, and direct scholarship opportunities.

Each yr, the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards honors the hundreds of students and their didactics with an incredible ceremony in the center of New York City. The ceremony features a star-studded guest list including the likes of Sarah Jessica Parker, Alec Baldwin, Amy Schumer, Whoopi Goldberg, and more.


Students who created and submitted honor-winning work go the take a chance to show off their work at regional, national, and traveling Art.Write.Now exhibitions.


A group of students' piece of work is selected and highlighted each year at The Best Teen Art and The Best Teen Writing publications, beyond that a list of National Medalists is included in the Yearbook.


Just as is the case with many of the nearly prestigious academic and art/writing competitions that loftier schoolers can accept role in, the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards offers a large number of scholarships for students who submit.

Direct scholarships include:

  • Educator awards
  • The Herblock Award for Editorial Cartoon
  • New York Life Award
  • I World Award
  • Portfolio Scholarships
  • Ray Bradbury Accolade for Science Fiction and Fantasy
  • Civic Expression Award
  • Best-In-Grade

Tuition scholarships include:

  • College & University Scholarships
  • Summertime Scholarships
  • The Alliance/ACT-So Journey Award

In all, National Medalists go eligible for scholarships that equal upward to $10,000. Without a dubiety, entering competitions such as this one tin can exist highly beneficial for students who are looking for assistance when it comes to paying for the tuition of some of the most prestigious and expensive schools in the country.

Want to Acquire More?

To learn more than nearly how to enter and win competitions like the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards which will make you stand out as a college bidder, and other ways to enhance your personal statements, supplemental materials, application materials, and skillsets for interviews, visit the AdmissionSight website.

Roughly 75% of AdmissionSight students are accepted into Ivy League and the summit ten universities. You could be next, then don't miss the opportunity to annals with AdmissionSight now earlier your application deadline.


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