Medical Records: Getting Organized

In a written report of senior cardiac patients, researchers found that those who kept a personal health tape enjoyed better health—perhaps considering they and their caregivers could meliorate run across their wellness motion picture. In an emergency, having records at the gear up tin also be helpful for health intendance providers.

Merely getting wellness data organized can seem so overwhelming. The skilful news: Y'all tin can get the upper hand on records and make organizing primal wellness information for you and your loved ones easier with these tips from Johns Hopkins geriatric medicine physician Alicia Arbaje, M.D., M.P.H.

older african-american woman reading prescription label

Create a doctor directory.

Jot down all health care providers, their contact info and the role they play in intendance. This tape is especially important if you are a caregiver juggling many contacts and appointments for a loved one.

Proceed these records at the ready.

Central records more than a yr old may be packed away. Only keep documents from the past year readily accessible, including:

  • A family health history (particularly parents, siblings and grandparents)
  • A personal health history (conditions, how they're being treated and how well they're controlled, as well as of import past data such as surgeries, accidents and hospitalizations)
  • Physician visit summariesand notes
  • Infirmary discharge summaries
  • Pharmacy printouts that accompanied prescribed medications. In a study of patients taking blood pressure drugs, about 40 percentage were unable to name a single one of their medications.
  • Examination results (such as blood work, urine tests, X-rays, MRIs, bone density scans, mammograms and prostate screenings). If you or your loved ones take certain lab tests done regularly, a record volition enable you to rails changes from twelvemonth to year and inquire informed questions.
  • Insurance forms related to medical treatment
  • Legal documents such as a living will and medical ability of attorney

Endeavor Information technology Tape a Health Goal

Care for medical records like you would a résumé. Determine an overall health goal and write it down then that you can share that with doctors. For example, you may write, "My goal is to exist able to become to my grandkids' school and sports events." Go along that goal in mind every time there'due south a question of treatment.

Log symptoms and side effects.

If you or a loved ane has a chronic status, go along a log of relevant factors like claret pressure and claret sugar. If you tin can, include the time of solar day then that your dr. tin assist figure out whether changes in your health measurements are related to the status or to medications. Note whatsoever changes in nutrition, activeness and stress levels.

Also keep a log of how you lot or your loved i responded to any medications and treatments. Be specific with the proper name of the medication, the dose and what happened. This record will come in handy when trying to make up one's mind adverse effects of treatments down the line.

Take advantage of technology.

Health care providers, hospitals and insurance plans may offer online records that you tin access. Apps and programs can help y'all manage health records—ask your main care doctor for recommendations.

If you use any online tools, be sure to tape (and share with a fill-in contact) the log-ins and passwords.

Keep copies.

Whether you utilize high-tech tape keeping or a proficient former-fashioned box or file folder, exist sure to keep several copies of your medical records. If you can continue one in your motorcar or pocketbook it will ensure you always have it when you go to the doctor or if you lot unexpectedly end up in the infirmary. It'southward besides smart to stash a re-create of health records in a safety and/or with someone else in case of natural disaster.

graphic of mychart login

What You Need to Know Sign Up for MyChart

Current Johns Hopkins Medicine patients tin complete an online form from the convenience of home to communicate with providers, admission test results, request prescription renewals and manage appointments.


Bone density: The amount of calcium and other minerals inside a section of bone. Stiff bones contain a dense framework of protein strands coated with calcium. This back up system thins with age, lack of do and low intake of calcium and vitamin D, amongst other reasons. Low bone density increases fracture risk.

Caregiving: The assistance family, friends and professionals provide to those who are old, sick or otherwise unable to care for themselves. Caregiving can include buying groceries, cooking meals, cleaning, assistance with bathing or personal care, making and driving someone to medical appointments, dispensing medicine, helping someone arrive or out of bed, and more than.

Family health history: Information about your health and the health of your close relatives. Some diseases are genetic, so having one or more family members with certain diseases may heighten your risk of 1 day developing those diseases, too. A family health history helps your health-care provider determine if you lot have a higher risk of developing eye affliction, stroke or cancer, among many other health problems.