I Saw You in My Dreams Again. It Felt So Real

How to tell the difference betwixt true visitation dreams and regular dreams!

Visitation Dreams Have y'all dreamt of a deceased loved one? If so, you are not alone. When my grandmother passed abroad a couple of years ago, she before long thereafter contacted me through a dream visitation. Going dorsum further, my grandfather contacted me through a dream when I was in college and he too reassured me that he was proud of me, he urged me to continue working hard, and he let me know that he was ok.

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This type of experience with my loved ones is not out of the ordinary, and it doesn't make me special; in fact, visitation dreams are one of the most mutual ways for spirits to accomplish out to their loved ones subsequently they have died.

Dream visitations offer proof that even later on decease, souls live on and through dreams they have a way to communicate with their loved ones still alive in the physical.

Not every dream about a expressionless loved one is a direct communication from them though, so how can you tell if your dream means your loved ane has actually reached out, or whether it is only a creation from your hidden mind?

The good news is in that location are some simple ways to tell.

Lets look first at "regular dreams".

Virtually of your dreams are creations of your subconscious heed, when your witting mind is asleep. An easy way to empathise how regular dreams piece of work is past thinking of them every bit movies, and your subconscious mind as the manager.

In a dream, your subconscious mind has a full general theme, lesson, or idea to communicate and and so it selects dream characters to play out the scenario. Your subconscious selects the dream characters based on all the people you accept met in your life or in past lives, (whether you consciously remember them or not doesn't matter).

Sometimes deceased loved ones do play roles as dream characters… These are not visitation dreams. Your hidden listen needs a loving grandmotherly figure, and then your grandmother, although deceased, plays the dream character role because her personality and how you perceive her helps your subconscious mind to depict the story through your dream.

Many people are quick to brush off visitation dreams, as something similar to the above. Or they call up the dream is a result of that person being on the top of mind, and a result of grieving, and not a straight and existent communication from beyond the physical.

I know in my heart, that my visitation dreams from both my grandparents were very real, and I'm excited to share some characteristics of real visitation dreams which you can await for to make up one's mind if your dreams about lost loved ones were really a real after death communication.

What Is A Visitation Dream?

A visitation dream is not a creation from your subconscious mind… Visitation dreams are when a non physical being communicates with you while you are sleeping. In that location are many reasons why they communicate while you're sleeping rather than awake… The primary one is that your ego listen doesn't cake the advice, and then it is much easier for your loved i to become past the filters of your heed which are ever working on some level to keep y'all focused in the physical, and every bit a result block out action from the spiritual realms.

Dreams of dead loved ones are the most common type of visitation dreams, though I accept also had visitation dreams from angels and spirit guides, which ways you can too.

True visitation dreams are much different from regular dreams, for starters they are unremarkably very real, vivid and you volition experience that you have been visited by your deceased loved one.

Also, with true visitations from spirit through dreams, you will feel and know in your center that the dream was a real communication.

When information technology comes to regular dreams, they're easy to forget, simply with a true dream visitation information technology will be vivid and existent, and y'all'll probably remember it for the remainder of your life.

When my grandparents contacted me through the dream state, I saw them as completely healed, vibrantly well, and perfect. If your loved one appears to y'all through a dream in this way, this is a central sign of a true visitation. They are at present fully reconnected with Source, and the light of God, so whatever acrimony, fear energy, or disease will be gone when they contact y'all through the dream state.

True visitation dreams involve a clear communication from beyond the physical. It doesn't have to exist in words, and often will be completely telepathic… But when beings in spirit visit you in your dreams, they volition clearly and to the indicate convey their bulletin.

Visitation dreams aren't long and drawn out… They are usually simple, to the point, incredibly existent, powerful, and so they are gone.

Most often, based on my feel and on the visitation dreams other people I know have had, the communication is focused on reassurance, forgiveness, healing, and to let you know they are ok. If there is some warning your loved one has for you, information technology as well volition be too the point, and and so backed with reassurance and a feeling of love and support through their presence.

Finally, when you wake upwards from a visitation dream, you may exist overcome with a feeling of love, peace, and gratitude. You will know you have been visited by your loved one who is now in spirit.

If this happens to you, trust that a real dream visitation has occurred; know that your loved ane is well, and that fifty-fifty after death they offering their honey, reassurance, and support from beyond the physical.

If you practise feel similar y'all're existence visited in your dreams by a lower vibrational entity, this likewise is possible, but does not serve you and tin easily be prevented through psychic protection! Telephone call upon Archangel Michael and your guardian angels to surroundings you lot with low-cal while you sleep to go on any unwanted and negative beings away.

Y'all can larn more about psychic protection here.

With dearest, light, and gratitude,
Melanie Beckler

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Source: https://www.ask-angels.com/spiritual-guidance/visitation-dreams/

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